It's All Geek to Me With Brant and Andrew
We talk about a plethora of things we geek out about, from Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, comic books, movies, music, and, of course, root beer!Please note: there might be spoilers!
It's All Geek to Me With Brant and Andrew
Ep 107 - Conspiracy Theories - Cicero Beverage Co Chicago Style Root Beer
Brant and Andrew
Season 1
Episode 107
Not exactly something we geek out about, per se, but we do enjoy entertaining some of the ideas people have come up with to claim we are all being duped! From Roswell aliens and faking the moon landing, to the idea that Finland isn't real, birds aren't real, or reality isn't real, some have us scratching our heads, while others might just have an air of possibility surrounding them. We take a light-hearted look at the more popular conspiracy theories from all around the globe….. hint, hint.
Today's root beer is Cicero.
Intro and Outro music by Stockmusic331 on Pond5